We Want to See Your Grocery Shopping Receipts

We Want to See Your Grocery Shopping Receipts

What someone buys at the grocery store can say a lot about who they are. Who hasn’t peeked into the cart of the person in front of you at checkout and tried to piece together their life?

These days, grocery shopping can bring its fair share of challenges: Everything is more expensive. Supply chain disruptions are the new normal. Sometimes there are just too many products to choose from; other times, there aren’t enough.

I’m Priya Krishna, a food reporter and video host for The New York Times, and I want to take stock of the state of grocery shopping in America and tell a nuanced story about the food in our carts. I’ve covered the grocery business at length, including profiling a grocery store worker for “On the Job,” my video series about food labor, and unpacking the complicated reasons ethnic aisles still exist.

For this project, I’ll ask shoppers from across the country to collect their grocery receipts and document their shopping habits for one month. I want to know who you are shopping for, where you shop, what your budget is and what your shopping staples are.

I’ll read through every submission and contact you if we’re interested in learning more about you and possibly publishing part of your story. We won’t publish any of your submission without reaching out to you and hearing back. We don’t use your contact information for any reason other than to follow up with you, and we don’t share it outside the Times newsroom.

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