Letter to the editor: Jews have always been in Israel

Letter to the editor: Jews have always been in Israel

Those protesting against Israel are being led astray and have no knowledge of the facts. The history of the Jewish people in Israel goes back thousands of years to biblical times. Jesus was a Jew, born in Bethlehem. He grew up in Nazareth, in the northern district of Israel, and was sometimes referred to as rabbi. His Holy Mother, Mary, and father, Saint Joseph, were also Jews. Christians believe that Jesus was the son of God.
The Jewish people have a right to be in Israel, as well as in other countries. Yet the ugly head of antisemitism has been raised once again. During World War II the Nazis murdered millions of Jews. In 1947, the United Nations attempted to set up two states — one Arab and one Jewish — in Israel. Yet most of the surrounding Arab nations have never accepted a Jewish Israel or peace, and have always wanted to wipe Israel off the face of the map. Arab nations have launched several wars against Israel since the founding of the modern state, but Israel has been strong militarily, its victory a matter of survival.
In 2006 the terrorist group Hamas — aligned with Iran, the largest state sponsor of terrorism in the world — took power in Gaza. Its goal of the total destruction of Israel continues to this day; it has no interest in peace. Palestinian children are taught that it is an act of heroism to kill Jews. On Oct. 7, Hamas committed the most evil acts imaginable with its murder of some 1,400 Israelis — babies, children, women and men.

Yet somehow, all around the world many still blindly support the “Palestinian cause” and repeat the chants of leaders against Israel and the Jews. They know little, if anything, about the history of the region. Current anti-Jewish sentiment is on par with that of the 1930s and ‘40s in Europe. Most shameful is that here in the United States, even some members of government are antisemitic. “Never Again” has become “Yes, Again — But Now, Even Worse.”


Chicopee, Massachusetts

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