Letter to the editor: Current state reflects poor leadership

Letter to the editor: Current state reflects poor leadership

When leadership fails so completely, our current situation is what you get. Humanity reverts to the default setting of barbarism (“Brief respite: Normalcy amid tragedy as Israel looks back, forward in disorienting war,” web, Nov. 29).

Civilization requires leaders who recognize the laws of God and the Ten Commandments and have the will and the power to enforce them.

Our corrupt, absentee leadership has created a vacuum that that is sucking in all manner of evil, such as the kind we have seen perpetrated by Hamas in Israel.

What does it take for people to see that even the barbarians had the sense not to mess with Donald Trump, a leader who knows the laws of God and had the power and will to preserve civilization?

Let us pray to God that Mr. Trump regains his former position.



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