DC ranked hardest working city in US with NYC falling low at 99

DC ranked hardest working city in US with NYC falling low at 99

New York has a lot of work to do to rise on this list.

Washington DC has been named the hardest-working city in America — ranking high above New York, which came in just 99th on the list, according to a study done by WalletHub.

Even Jersey City and Columbus, Ohio, outranked the City That Never Sleeps, pulling in at 56 and 68, respectively.

“Most everybody in this country are hard workers, but Washington DC? I mean, they’re hard workers too, but still…” David Owens, 79, who owns a vintage shop in the Lower East Side, told The Post.

“I’m surprised that NY is number 99. I’m sure most New Yorkers would feel they’re number one.” 

DC pulled a total score of 76.97 compared to New York’s score of 53.70.

The capital took the crown due to factors such as having the “highest share of workers who leave vacation time unused,” with 64% of workers doing so, according to the study.

Washington DC sparkles at the top of the list of 116 highly-populated cities as it holds the trophy for the hardest-working city in America. DC pulled a total score of 76.97 and took the crown due to having the “highest share of workers who leave vacation time unused,” with 64% of workers doing so, according to the study. SeanPavonePhoto – stock.adobe.com

The study determined a cities’ rank based on 11 metrics that were divided into two sections: “Direct Work Factors,” which took up 80% of the score, and “Indirect Work Factors.” The study also included a city from every state.

Some direct working factors included an average number of hours worked per week, employment rate, and shares of households where no adults worked, among others.

Indirect factors included those working multiple jobs and the average commute time, among others.

The country’s capital ranked third for highest hours worked per week on average, although the study did not say how many hours that included.

The average American works roughly 35 hours per week, WalletHub said.

Another reason the District of Columbia residents ranked high is because many have a commute longer than 30 minutes to the office.

NYC ranked 99th only scored a measly 53.70 for hard working residents. However, most New Yorkers have a longer commute time than those in the nation’s capital – one of the factors determined in the study. THANANIT – stock.adobe.com

The average commuter in the Big Apple takes more than 60 minutes to get to work, with 15.5% of travelers falling in this category, according to 2022 US Census data. The average travel time is 31.4 minutes.

According to Census data, the average commute in DC is 30.1 minutes, with 21.5% of commuters falling in the 20 to 25-minute range. Compared to NYC, only 7.7% of commuters take more than 60 minutes to get to work.

Many might be surprised to see Irving, Texas, taking the second spot on the list, but WalletHub explains the Southern city is there due to having the lowest share of households where no adults work, with 11% falling in that category.

Many might be surprised to see Irving, Texas, taking the second spot on the list, but WalletHub explains the Southern city is there due to having the lowest share of households where no adults work, with 11% falling in that category. Cheyenne, Wyoming takes third, as 7% of its residents work multiple jobs.
Although it did not explain why NYC ranked so low, many residents told The Post they disagreed. “Most everybody in this country are hard workers, but Washington DC? I mean, they’re hard workers too, but still…” David Owens, 79, said.

It also ranked ninth in the country for longest hours worked and having a lower amount of leisure time, according to the study.

Cheyenne, Wyoming takes third, as 97% of adults work.

Although it did not explain why NYC ranked so low, many residents told The Post they disagreed.

“I don’t know how it’s possible for NYC to rank so low given how expensive life here is and how long and hard people have to work in order to afford to live here,” NYU professor Zhana Vrangalova, 42, told The Post.

The study determined a city’s rank based on 11 key metrics that were divided into two sections: “Direct Work Factors,” which took up 80% of the score, and “Indirect Work Factors.” The study also included a city from every state.

“This year I’ve been working an average of 10 hours a day, six days a week, sometimes seven.”

Carol, 69, who works in publishing, said: “New Yorkers work really hard. I think that must be wrong.”

The average American works 1,811 hours per year, or roughly 35 hours per week, according to WalletHub. This is 204 hours more than the average Japanese worker, nearly 280 hours more than the normal UK worker, and 470 more than Germany.

The Post has reached out to WalletHub for comment.

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